Obedience and Loyalty…

“An officer said to his private: “If I should be killed in the battle, don’t leave my body here, but carry it to Kraguievaz, where my wife is, and bury it there.” It happened indeed that the officer was killed. The private asked permission to transfer the body as he was told. The permission was not given. In the night he took the dead body on his back, and after a journey of three nights brought it to Kraguievaz and buried it. Therefore he was judged by the military court and sentenced to a very heavy punishment. But he showed himself very satisfied, saying: “I did what I was ordered and what I promised to do. Now you can sentence me even to death; at least I will not be ashamed in the other world meeting my commander.””
St. Nikolai Velimirovich
~ Anecdotes from ‘Serbia in Light and Darkness’
