Sources and Credits

Images are used from the gallery of  which allows posting as long as they are credited.  This is our exclusive source.

Many publishers have given us permission to reprint and these are used most frequently.  Other quotes are infrequently taken from other books/sources under the ‘Fair Use Law’.  In all cases, the sources are credited and the books referenced may be found in the list below.  When there is no publisher site available we have linked to Amazon.

St. Anthony’s Monastery
Counsels from the Holy Mountain (Elder Ephraim of Arizona)
Elder Joseph the Hesychast
Monastic Wisdom   (Elder Joseph)
My Elder Joseph the Hesychast

Monastery of St. Arsenios
Elder Paisios of Mt. Athos

Elder Arsenios the Cave-Dweller; Monk Joseph Dionysiatis, 2001
Elder Haralambos Dionysiastis: Teacher of Noetic Prayer; Monk Joseph Dionysiatis, 2002
Obedience is Life (Elder Ephraim of Katonoukia); Monastery of Vatopaidi 2003

New Gracanica
Missionary Letters Vol 1, 2, 3 (St. Nicholai Velimirovich)

St. Herman Press
*By/About Fr. Seraphim Rose
Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works
Genesis, Creation, and Early Man
God’s Revelation to the Human Heart
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
Soul After Death

Other Titles
Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios (Elder Paisios)
Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives (Elder Thaddeus)