Where Should We Pray the Jesus Prayer?
Pray the Jesus Prayer at home...
...labor at home to accustom yourself to pray attentively and try to remain in God's presence the rest of the time, as much as possible.
Letters of St. Theophan the Recluse (d. 1894)
Pray the Jesus Pray while travelling and before Liturgy...
'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' Let your
attention and instruction be centered on this. Walking, eating, standing in church before
the beginning of the service, continue with the prayer; on entering and departing keep
this prayer on your lips and within your heart. In such a manner, with the invocation
of the Name of God you will find peace, you will attain to purity of spirit and body;
and the Holy Spirit, the Origin of all good, will make for Himself a dwelling within you and will guide you in all piety and purity.
St. Seraphim of Sarov (d. 1833) quoted in the Jordanville Prayer Book
Pray the Jesus Prayer at work...
By orienting yourself to God at all times, your chores at home and responsibilities outside the house will not distract your attention from God, but, on the contrary, will keep you intent on completing all tasks in a God-pleasing manner. All will be performed with the fear of God, and this fear will keep your attention on God unswervingly.
Letters of St. Theophan the Recluse (d. 1894)
There is no place where the Prayer should not be said...
It is necessary for everyone, whether eating, drinking, sitting, serving, travelling or doing anything to unceasingly cry
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me...
St. John Chrysostom (d. 407) quoted in the Jordanville Prayer Book